Monday, January 7, 2008

noodly noodles

well, after a two week break of having truly local delicious food made by kitchens other than mine (and made by cooks other than ayi) we are back to the same ol' same ol'...

today? noodly noodles. in all their glisteningly glistenous glory.

i absolutely have to find some other kind of brown fungus to eat, cuz these mo gu are simply horrendous. i think perhaps ayi washes the 'shrooms till they are completely water logged and then soaks them in peanut oil before turning on the heat.

flavors are the same though. chicken flavored msg, zhu rou (pork - c'mon i know it's been two whole weeks...) can you spot it? they're always there. bai cai (green cabbagy schtuffy schtuff). and some fermented black beans. i'll have to look up the chinese name for that, though. only a few though.

ya know, come to think of it, this looks supiciously like something she served last month. page down a bit and see if'n you can spot it. same ikea children's lunch tray. obligitory glass of water. my ONE pair of lunch chopsticks (of course we OWN dozens - we're living in china, dontcha know)....

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