Friday, January 18, 2008

after a week of restaurants, it's home sweet home...

so, here it is folks. the NEW camera photos. i gots my brandspankin' new CANON EOS 400D yestehday. woooohoooo. and what better way to show off it's capabilities but by capturing the glisteningly glistenous of today's lunch.

chinese cabbage. in all its glistenous glory. mushrooms. garlic. and the only spice ayi knows? chinese mccormick black pepper.

mmmmm, mmmmm good.

ooooh, but this one is even better. can you guess what it is?

sorry, my friend, if you guessed it was a precurser to the zhu rou, you would be wrong. pigs don't lay eggs. these are very special PROSPECT HEALTH eggs. sometimes i go a little nuts and buy the CLEVER eggs, but with all the polution here, i think i need to think more of my health.

and yah, it's deep fried. how healthy is THAT?

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1 comment:

Somer said...

The hubby showed your blog to some of his Chinese students. They think your food looks yummy! :-S