Monday, December 17, 2007

oh yah, it's monday

monday, back to work. fud look any different to ya? um, yah. me neither. we generally start out our mondays reviewing the various vegetables that were purchased at the cai shi chang (tsai - shee - chahng) vegetable market. (((would it help if i attempted to put up the TONES for pronounciation? cuz that just effs me up good. my second and fourth tones are not so good, according to my 25yr old chinese teacher. at least i practice *almost* every day...)))
anywayze, we try to review the vegetable purchases IN chinese (this is supposedly for the greater good - mine). and then we "discuss" the cost. i can barely spit out yi bai kuai (eee buy kw-eye or -100rmb) and make it understandable. and then i pay the ayi for what she spent (down to the mao (dime) - cuz they no longer have pennies).
today - monday, i spent 67.8 kuai in veggies and various meat products for the week. all zhu rou. but one i noticed and freaked out. said i was absolutely not interested in eating - and it took almost a half an hour to figure out EXACTICALLY what it was.
pig liver.
pig liver, pig intestine, pig kidney??? gawd, we went thru all the body intestinal parts. and finally i pulled out my handy dandy tranlator (which doesn't translate pinyin - only hanzi - which is chinese character). why oh why did i buy a translator made for chinese english learners????? in china??????
oh, according to ayi, apparently chinese people LOOOOVE pig liver. i attempted to tell ayi *I* don't loooove pig liver. as a matter of fact, i don't think many cultures around the world ENJOY pig liver (calve, veal, goose, duck, OK!! pig? not-so-much.)
not sure what meat was served today, to tell the truth.

ok, so plate presentation wasn't so bad. looks like any other plate presentation or perhaps i should say it looks like EVERY other plate presentation. and i have sooo many plates. but her favorite seem to be the indestructable IKEA square plates i picked up in shanghai while waiting for my sea shipment to be delivered. yet.... white is, um, elegant?

can you even differentiate one meal from the others yet?

one green, one brown.

one bit of white rice, one glass water. same bamboo chopsticks.

here's the green. (lu).
i saw these raw and straight from the veggie market (who remembers??? -- cai shi chang) and i THINK they were garlic sproutie thingies. just sauteed first in the peanut oil that she loves to glisten my vegetables with. i LIKE green vegetables. i even eat the sauteed lettuce. not much flavor. but a whole helluva lot more appetizing than the main...

and here is the brown.
no. i'm not sure what this was. i had at LEAST 10 garlic cloves in it though (yes, i'm ok w/ the garlic - good for something in the body, according to the chinese - i just haven't figured out WHAT part yet). and cabbage. and chinese eggplant (i saw a faint hint of purple while i was piecing thru it). plus, i know that ayi purchased 2 long and skinny chinese eggplants. and NO. i DON'T know what chinese eggplant is yet in chinese. i'll put that on my list.
oh, and guess what ELSE was in my brown slop today? teeny tiny pieces of zhu rou. they keep getting smaller and smaller (like i'm not gonna notice them).
i swear to gawd she wants me to learn to like this shiite.
stay tuned... (and hope that xmas and my new camera come soon!!)
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Unknown said...

You could try fried pig kidneys,
I know I had them when I was a kid.
(Not fried though)
All in all, more poltry seasoning.

kelbutt said...

here's hoping your new camera takes pictures in colors besides green and brown--